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.NET并行(多核)编程系列之六 Task基础部分完结篇(2)

来源: www.dedecms8.com 编辑:织梦吧 时间:2012-06-27点击:

Lazy<Task<string>> lazyData = new Lazy<Task<string>>(() =>
Console.WriteLine("Calling lazy variable");
Console.WriteLine("Result from task: {0}", lazyData.Value.Result);
// do the same thing in a single statement
Lazy<Task<string>> lazyData2 = new Lazy<Task<string>>(
() => Task<string>.Factory.StartNew(() =>
Console.WriteLine("Task body working...");
return "Task Result";
Console.WriteLine("Calling second lazy variable");
Console.WriteLine("Result from task: {0}", lazyData2.Value.Result);
// wait for input before exiting
Console.WriteLine("Main method complete. Press enter to finish.");



a. Task 死锁





static void Main(string[] args)
// define an array to hold the Tasks
Task<int>[] tasks = new Task<int>[2];
// create and start the first task
tasks[0] = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
// get the result of the other task,
// add 100 to it and return it as the result
return tasks[1].Result + 100;
// create and start the second task
tasks[1] = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
// get the result of the other task,
// add 100 to it and return it as the result

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