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网页设计中的 40 种字体组合

来源: www.dedecms8.com 编辑:织梦吧 时间:2012-02-08点击:

Trade Gothic and Neutraface.

Caslon and Helvetica.

Helvetica Neue and Museo.

Droid Serif and Helvetica.

FS Sinclair, Vitesse Sans and Vitesse.

Clarendon and Arial.

Droid Sans and Kulturista.

Arvo, Helvetica and Georgia.

Helvetica Neue and League Gothic.

Cuprum and Pacifico.

Arial and Georgia.

Raleway and Georgia.

Proxima Nova Extra Condensed and Verdana.

Kreon and Verdana.

League Gothic Regular, Helvetica Neue and Museo Slab.

Copse and Homemade Apple.

La Wine beautifully uses fonts like Proxima Nova Extra Condensed (Bold), Helvetica and League Gothic (Regular).

This one has got a lot of fonts like Aurea Ultra, Helvetica, Times, Franklin Gothic and Georgia.

This one has Nixie One (headlines) and Open Sans (Texts).

Courier on the top menus, Museo Slab and Futura PT.

A great mix of Arial and Bebas Neue.

nest mixes Fuller Sans DT Bold and Fuller Sans DT Regular amazingly.

Helvetica Neue and Octin College Regular.

FF Tisa (header and footer) – Josefin Slab (Rest of the things).

Futura PT (header) – Yellowtail (center).

It is a minimalist layout with fabulous textured detail on its header and also a few textured photos.

Instrument has a beautiful delicate background texture.

This one is another neat and clean design with a subtle and amazing textured background.

Its layout is based on shapes, typography and a textured background.

It boasts a subtle and pretty background texture that can be seen only on margins and footer.

This one is yet another beautiful minimalistic design that mixes texture by using photos.

This one uses amazing texture that gives it a great look.

Tabspresso uses colours and textures really nicely.

One Design Company is a minimalistic typography based design and a textured background.

It has a cool layout based on shapes, typography, colors, photos and subtle textures. Bold and beautiful.

This one boasts a clean look with an amazing subtle texture.

This one has various textures which give the layout a really cool touch.

Give Beyond boasts amazing typography and hand-drawn elements with awesome texture.

Calepino has a beautiful big main photo with wood as texture.

This one is a minimal design with pretty textures.

标签: 网页设计

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