如果你吃了 块饼干 ,你消耗的热量是 大卡。 |
提案 21:州立停车场的停车费 目前的方式: 加利福尼亚有 个州立停车场,包括海滨和古迹。目前的每年 百万美元的预先不够维持这些停车场。大概有 个停车场只能部分时间里开放。大多数的停车场会向每辆车收取 的管理费。 提案 21的建议是: 向每辆车主收取每年18美元的注册登记费。登记完的车可以免交停车费。 分析: Suppose that an extra was charged to % of California taxpayersvehicle registrations. Park admission would be for those who paid the chargeeveryone. This would collect an extralose $ million ($ million from the tax, plusminus $ million additionallostrevenue from admission) for a total state park budget of $ million. This is not sufficient to maintain the parks, and parks would be shut down at least part-time. This is sufficient to maintain the parks in their current state, but not fund a program to bring safety and cleanliness up to acceptable standards. This is sufficient to maintain the parks in their current state, plus fund a program to bring safety and cleanliness up to acceptable standards over the nextyears. This is sufficient to maintain the parks and bring safety and cleanliness up to acceptable standards, leaving a $ million per year surplus. Park attendance would risefall by , to million visits each year. |